Monday, May 16, 2011

America the Greatest

Americans (911 registered voters chosen randomly nationwide via cell phone or landline) hold firm on the belief that the United States of America remains the greatest country in the world [1]. It’s not saying that it’s the most comfortable, the most healthy, or happy (hopefully Sweden has crossed your mind), but most likely on terms of America’s power and security that is felt by many Americans alike.

The poll, conducted jointly by Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw & Company Research, took place from April 25 to April 27, 2011. This takes us before the highly resounded and yet highly disapproved death/killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, the terrorist who ordered and approved the 9/11/01 attacks on the United States.


The results that I found most interesting:

-84 percent of voters think the United States is the greatest country in the world.

-89 percent of Republicans believe so as well.

-84 percent of Democrats believe so as well.

-79 percent of Independents believe so as well.

-79% of voters say that they wouldn’t leave the US, even if its financial problems were not an issue.


I believe that the United States is still the most powerful country in the world. Our economic problem is huge and we may never recover, and the country’s time as the most prominent power in the world may be limited. I find this sad, but, as some historical person put it into simple, blunt words, “All great empires must end.”

Although the US has not gone about conquering lands (to the ignorant people: no, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan are not attempts at modern American colonization), the US has made its empire through its global companies and having military bases in seemingly every country that will let it establish one (minus Cuba).

Our currency, language, and culture is everywhere in the world. And even if the country begins to lose its economic might and eventually falls, its legacy sure will echo through time as one of the greatest civilizations to ever have existed.


[1] Source: Fox News Poll

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